What Do Lice Look Like?
Head lice can be tricky to find if you've never encountered it before. An adult louse is roughly the size of a sesame seed and can range...
Treating Head Lice At Home
Guide for removing head lice at home. Our professional head lice treatment clinic has helped families get rid of head lice since 2016.
How Long Do Lice Live?
This is a top 5 question I receive at PicNit Professional Lice Clinic. And one I love to answer! And you know what? My answer changed...
PicNit-Your local head lice treatment clinic since 2016
Wow! It's hard to believe we are approaching 5 years of service to our great, local (and sometimes not so local!) community. It has been...
PicNit Lice Clinic: A public, yet privately placed location
At PicNit Professional Lice Clinic, we know getting head lice professionally treated away from the privacy of your home is a sensitive...
How To Prevent Head Lice: Bun or Braid and SPRAY!
Lice prevention is the most frequent question I receive. The best advice I have for you is a short list of suggestions. In short,...
Do Adults Get Head Lice?
You bet they do! Adults can get head lice just as easily as anybody else. There are so many different ways it can happen. Hugging a...
Head Lice + Summer Camp
Head lice is a common exposure at summer camp. The best plan for you and your family is to schedule a lice exam at PicNit Professional...

Head Lice: Nit Fun Fact
Often times education provided about head lice has families searching heads of hair for white nits (eggs). That information is slightly...