Why Use PicNit® Professional Lice Removal Service?
Head lice is overwhelming. The amount of advice, prescriptions, natural remedies and OTC products do not make the experience any less...
Get Rid Of Head Lice In One Treatment
Put that over-the-counter lice treatment down and call us today! Enough is enough. Your back is aching, their back is aching and your...
Let's talk head-to-head contact
Head lice is exhausting and costly, no doubt about it! I am often asked how an individual gets head lice. That answer is head-to-head...
"Notice for Parents-Head lice has been reported in your child's class" .....
Noooooo! Not the dreaded letter we all fear seeing in our child's backpack. No, no-no-no-no!! "What now? What do I do?" First, give...