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Winter Head Lice Prevention Tips

Colder weather is moving in, along with increased chances of getting head lice. Here are a few tips to help prevent bringing head lice home:

-Style hair using Buns, Braids &  PicNit® Lice Prevention Spray -Skip the furry hoods if your child doesn’t have their own locker -Avoid adding your coat to a coat pile at parties and gatherings -Use your own headphones in the classroom and at home

PicNit® carries natural head lice prevention spray, head lice prevention shampoo, head lice prevention conditioner, effective, natural head lice treatment kits and PicNit® provides professional head lice removal at our clinic located in Omaha, NE.

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clinic designed exclusively for head lice treatment and nit removal.
professional lice treatment irradicates lice with one appointment.
no toxic chemicals. no pesticides.
by appointment only
2962 s 84th street omaha, ne 68124

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