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PicNit-Your local head lice treatment clinic since 2016

Wow! It's hard to believe we are approaching 5 years of service to our great, local (and sometimes not so local!) community. It has been an absolute pleasure helping you and your families get rid of head lice once and for all. It's also a ton of fun getting to know each of you while we're hanging out together during the process. To be a part of the calm in your personal storm makes my day.

Over the years I've heard a handful of highlights customers really appreciate about our head lice clinic and some things that amaze me! I hope they help and I certainly hope they help in your decision making process when reaching out for help. And as always, call with any questions! We are here for you-professional head lice removal or do-it-yourself kits and prevention products.

- Location- our head lice clinic is located just south of 84th and W.Center Rd in Omaha, just north of Interstate 80. Such easy access!

-PicNit is in the corner of Frederick Square and 2 doors down a private outdoor hallway. EVERYONE loves the privacy.

-One family is scheduled at a time. You are not sharing space with another family. We understand our customers prefer to not have an audience as they are going through this process. Nothing to be embarassed of, but we get it!!

-Our professional lice removal is about an hour a person. So much faster than combing at home. After removing lice and combing hair for 5 years, we've got a fast an effective process in place!

-Our lice treatment is one and done! We remove head lice, you clean the house. It's a perfect team effort. No follow up needed. Done!

-There are so many more reasons to call us, but I'll stop here for now. Feel free to read our reviews on Facebook and Google. It really helps when making local business decisions in general, not just PicNit!

Take Care All!



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clinic designed exclusively for head lice treatment and nit removal.
professional lice treatment irradicates lice with one appointment.
no toxic chemicals. no pesticides.
by appointment only
2962 s 84th street omaha, ne 68124

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